SiGN ME UP for ADA Services:

The PatientX ADA compliance solution replaces costly manual website fixes with state-of-the-art AI technology and integrates with your current website. Fill out the form and a PatientX team member will contact you in 24-48 hours.


  • Make payment for the appropriate level (We accept check or ACH payments. Credit cards are accepted with a 3% processing fee added)
  • You provide PatientX admin level access to your website.
  • We add one line of code to your website.
  • The accessibility feature appears on your website.
  • The AI engine begins to analyze your website.
  • 48 hours later your website is compliant.
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  • Avoid Litigation - According to ADA Title III, every business website has to be accessible to people with disabilities, or it will be at risk of being sued and facing unnecessary legal expenses.
  • Book Your Brand Perception - Providing this feature on your website lets the world know you care.
  • Expand Your Market Reach - By making yoru site ADA compliant, you open the door to a whole new market that may not have been able to use your website or services previously.

Fill out our form and a PatientX team member will contact you in 24-48 hours to start the process of making your website ADA compliant!